miércoles, 26 de noviembre de 2014

VII. Self-assessment and evaluation of your own learning in this course / recommendations to better this teacher training course

Through this curse, I have learnt many important things, differences between NESTs and non-NESTs, for example. Also, I did my first teaching practice with kindergarten students, so I learnt also by doing the things that the teacher taught us. I as a student have learnt about the importance of certain things when teaching young language learners.
Also, I have learnt new vocabulary that is going to be very useful for me when planning my classes as a teacher, and I have been using it in my teaching practice. Because I wanted to do good the things I had to do, I started doing the best I could.
By paying attention to my classmates in their presentations, I learnt the importance of teaching young learners in a good way because if we as teachers do not pay too much attention to our students and their learning, we are not doing a good job. However, we should not praise them if they are not doing their best in the work.
With the book we were using, I learnt the types of teachers, and what type of teacher is the best and the one we should be. I learnt a lot about the four macro skills when working with languages; hence, I know now that they are two receptive, listening and reading, and two productive, speaking and writing.
I know that there are five language systems; they are referenced to knowing about phonology, lexis, grammar, function and discourse.
At the end, I think that I had learnt some important things related to the English teaching, so I am going to put into practice my new knowledge in the new practices I am going to do in this new course.

The recommendations I have are that we as teachers should look for the learning of our students, and that we have to make a good environment in the class, like having a good rapport and making fun in the class without losing the control of it.

By: Karen Albanés

I think that i have learned a lot until now, and I need to learn even more. So, these classes have helped me a lot because helped me to prepare as a teacher, and I have noticed many things that I did not know.
I really learned a lot from the teacher because she always explained everything to us, so when I somebody had a doubt during or out the class, she tried to help us in a perfect way; the teacher always pushed us to develop the skills that we have to develop; I learned a lot from her.
At the beginning I did not know anything about what we were going to study, but by the time, the teacher taught us what we were going to do. I have learned many things; for instance, I learned how to prepare a class, how to develop a classroom activity, how to behave in a classroom. At the beginning I did not know what to do, but then, I learned, and I think that everything I saw or studied during the classroom is going to help me because those are the bases for a teacher.
I liked when I had presentations because it helped me to develop some skills; as everybody knows, presentations helps students to talk in front of other people, and the students get accustom to talk in front of people. So, I think that it has helped to develop some skills.
Also, I learned some vocabulary because the teacher used to teach us a lot of words, and that is really important because we are learning a lot from the teacher.
Another important thing is that the teacher encourages her students to talk, and it is awesome, I learned a lot when my classmates had presentations, or they worked on technological issues. Also, I think that everybody learned when they paid attention what other people presented on their presentations or videos. I learned how the English was spread all around the world and how people acquire a new language.

By: Gabriel Valencia

At the very beginning of the semester, I was worried about the teaching practice; didactic was not something new for me, but the teaching practice was; during the classes on didactic, I learned a lot; I learned new things in order to teach, and the teaching practice experience helped me a lot.
Didactic as a subject is a lot of work; it is not a piece of cake, but that’s the way it has to be; In this subject, I are learning some tips in order to teach, and if we do not work hard, we are not going to be good teachers.
Didactic opened me a new world of opportunities and experiences, and I am pretty glad about it. I was learning, in this subject, how to teach developing some different methodologies, and I put them in practice during my teaching practice.
The teaching practice is as hard as didactic; it is a lot of work, but I enjoyed it. To work with the kids is so amazing, and all the things that I learned in didactics helped me to develop a good class with them.
During the classes in the subject the teacher was explain to us all the topics meticulously; she was explaining each topic step by step, and she was clarifying all the doubts that we had.
I know that teach how to teach it is not easy, and sometimes it is kind of boring, but the teacher did her work well because I learned a lot of new thing, and I am able to use them.

By: Eduardo Marroquín

Didactics of the English was the subject that made us enter to the atmosphere in a classroom not like students, we began meetting the way how to become a teacher and the different challenge we have to have if we want to be a a person who must to show a responsibility with his students at the moment of teach.
In this subject I learned many things, it´s was to hard but here I really appreciated if I really want to be a teacher or if I don´t want to be one.  Sometimes I felt so stress out because I thought it will be kind of bored or something like that, also I was thinking about the teacher because I thought she will be the traditional teacher who we always find across our studies but the teacher was a person who try to change the way to teach in order  to we acquiere more knowledge and more experiences when we start to develop an activity in the class room also how to keep a good atmosphere with children who are learnig a new language.
I think this course helps me a lot because I feel I learn more knowledge in context how to start an activity and participate more when I´m infront of the class also give my short participation but what was happened if I never participate in any activity? Well i said myself: ok since now you have to change your bad attitudes and everything that you have. But now I feel that I am able to be a better teacher if I work a lot and if I decide to accept the challenge. It was good. Also our teacher was excellent, she decide to work with us changing our way to see a teacher just like “A Teacher”. She give us the confidence among she and we like students

By: Julio Aguilar

Teach to children was one of the most interesting experiences that I’ve ever had, the children might think that they have learned of me, but they don’t know that I’ve learned of them too, the knowledge that I have now is not enough but I know that in my future experiences that knowledge is going to help me to be a better person and a better teacher, is a hard way to travel but tgis is what I really want, and I’m going to continue until the end
People might think that become a teacher is something easy, but they don’t know that this major demands a lot of hard work and effort, being a teacher is not that simple, a teacher needs to be aware of everything, a teacher needs to be not just a teacher, a teacher must be a facilitator, a psychologist, a doctor, a clown and a friend, a teacher is not just a person who teaches, a teacher is a person that goes to a school and do what he o she loves to do that is sharing the knowledge that he or she has with people that wants to learn and be prepare for the future.
When you’re a teacher people think that you have one of the easiest jobs in the earth, but thing like give instructions is difficult for a teacher there are going to be people that understands the explanations but at the same time there are people that needs more help, in that case the teacher must be patient and try to think that he is doing that because he likes to do that.

What else can I say? My experience wasn’t good, my experience was great, even though I did no star so well, I have learned a lot of this experience now I know that children are amazing learners and amazing friends that I would like to take care of, I did lots o scarifies for them but at the end that doesn’t matter because every sacrifice has its rewards.

By: Raúl Barrera

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